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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Donald Trump surprises mother of three with $100 at Pennsylvania grocery store

Former President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump surprised shoppers at Sprankles Neighbourhood Market in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, by gifting a mother of three a $100 bill to help with her grocery expenses.
As hundreds lined up to see him, Trump greeted shoppers and handed the cash to the grateful woman, saying, “Here, it’s going to go down a little bit. It just went down 100 bucks.”
She thanked him, and he replied, “We’ll do that for you from the White House, alright?”, according to Fox Business.
In addition to the generous gesture, Trump supported the local business by purchasing a large bag of popcorn.
He expressed curiosity about the snack, asking a customer, “Is this stuff good?”
When informed it was the best, he joked, “If it is, I’ll be sending, I’ll be in Washington DC., hopefully in the Oval Office, I’ll send for popcorn.”
Trump also spoke with the store owner, enquiring about how inflation has impacted his business.
The owner explained, “Prices are up, but our sales are down, so we’ve had to get super creative on how to use our space.”
Trump acknowledged the struggles, responding, “Prices go up, yet your sales are down.” The owner added, “It’s been brutal. Thankfully, I have a great crew, a great staff, my family, we work together,” reported Fox Business.
The US presidential election is set for November 5, just 42 days left in the race.
